When you are just starting to think about taking your Instagram seriously and joining the realm of influencers, content creators or entrepreneurs (first of all, congratulations!), the very and – and absolutely natural thing that you will start thinking about is “well, what my niche should be about?” And I am so glad that you […]
In June 2023, I launched my first IG Wealth cohort (known as Group Coaching back then!) and the very first person who joined was Anastasia @anastasiatkphotography Before the program: After the program: The biggest change that happened during the 12 weeks program is her shift in the value that she was bringing to the table. […]
We are officially in the PERSONAL BRAND ERA of social media. It means that now it’s more important than ever to be your own biggest advocate, promoter, supporter and fan. If you won’t promote your own brand, who will? Here’s the exact step-by-step strategy you need to curate your own personal brand on Instagram1️⃣ Pick […]